Octava Aurea
The Musical Association “Octava Aurea” was founded thanks to the experience of its musical artistic director, singer and cellist, Mario Cecchetti, and the soprano Catharina Scharp, in collaboration with a small group of enthusiasts and some of the younger singers’ parents. Even before coming together in the Association, many members of today’s choir took part, as soloists, in the project carried out by the Scuola Comunale di Musica di Città of Castello to put together Benjamin Britten’s “The Little Sweep” commissioned for the 42nd edition of the “Festival delle Nazioni tifernate”. This was followed by various concerts, and a Christmas music CD was recorded in various languages, produced in collaboration by two music schools. In August
2011, some members of the choir took part in the opera by contemporary composer Cristian Carrara “La piccola vedetta lombarda”, for the 44th edition of the Festival delle Nazioni tifernate, once again thanks to the opportunity provided by the Scuola Comunale di Musica di Città of Castello. In September 2013, the youth choir performed in the “Pastori e pastorelle” concert, which was included in the events of the Festival delle Nazioni in collaboration with the Civica Scuola di Musica “Giacomo Puccini” and the Schola Cantorum “A.M. Abbatini”. In June 2014, the choirs of the Association produced the musical theatre piece “In cosa ti somiglio” by Raffaele Sargenti at the Teatro Cucinelli in Solomeo.
In August of the same year, the youth choir toured in Sweden, performing at various concerts in Stockholm.